Don't Let Insecurity Own You | Embrace the Moment and Experience Joy

I was recently asked to tutor a lady in oil painting. As I listened to my “student” list teacher after teacher who had instructed her in art, my heart sank. What could I possibly offer someone who has been painting since the 1970s? I'm just a beginner. Not adequate to teach.

She was reluctant to show me her paintings and dismissive of the things she has accomplished.

And that made me wonder.

How much of our lives do we convince ourselves that we just aren't good enough, skilled enough, smart enough, beautiful enough….when all along we are beautiful people doing beautiful things?

There is so much joy to be found when we embrace what is in front of us without casting the heavy shadow of lack over our endeavors and creativity.

My painting teacher would often make comments about my confidence. Or lack thereof. “Your brush strokes are hesitant.” She'd say, or, “I can feel the confidence in this line. Do more of that.” I hated that my lack of confidence was there in my art, naked on the canvas for anyone to see. But is that such a terrible thing?

We are, all of us, uncertain and unsure, making our way through the world with a mixture of defiance and lack.

I wonder what life would look like if I met challenges, lack, even suffering, with the calm assurance that I have everything I need in Christ Jesus. A priest, set apart by God for good works. What if I could embody the deep truth that I am the delicate and intricate workmanship of a good God? That I am His poem, formed from the Word, breathed into existence for His good pleasure. In that place of deep acceptance and belonging, not even lack and insecurity would have to be hidden because every weakness is only a testimony of His goodness.

Perhaps true strength is laying aside judgment and celebrating the paradox of frailty and strength dwelling together. This frail human frame is a gift, not a curse. Yes, everything groans until the return of our Beloved, when all will be made right. Yet, even now, in dark days, the trees of the fields clap their hands and the redeemed of the Lord sing for joy. The grass withers, but even in death, life is abundant and persistent.

When I meet my insecurities and pain, let me look at it with curiosity and even gratitude.

Wherever you are, don't retreat. Look into the face of insecurity and pain with curiosity, and yes, even gratitude. Then, standfast and see the glory of the Lord.


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