Galina Hitching | Healing Art

Galina Hitching may have been born in Baltimore, Maryland, but she can’t tell you anything about the city. She was blessed to be raised with a global mindset, and despite growing up in South Dakota, Nebraska, and Florida, she feels more comfortable in Hong Kong or Scotland than small-town America.

Instead of pursuing her dreams of art, Galina took a gap-year that turned into two years of volunteering with nonprofits around the world. From there, she fell into seven years of writing for nonprofits and businesses.

Today, she’s cast off the constraints of her communication degree and paints with fresh hope. Her watercolor and oil paintings explore grief and suffering, but remain anchored in light and the promise of transformation. Galina lives in Central Florida and when she’s not painting, you can find her facilitating trauma healing workshops or writing poetry.

Member since 2024


Original Art



Book Cover Design

Healing Workshops

Artist Statement

Art is a gift

As a visual artist and writer, I have discovered art is a gift from our Creator. Art equips us to name the darkness and then place a boundary around it. This is integral to why and how I create art.

Art is transformation

My process is intuitive, organic, and rhythmic, a conversation and dance on canvas where I allow the colors and the Holy Spirit to guide me. Whether I’m starting an oil painting on black canvas, or tenderly preserving white in a watercolor, I push myself to be an observer and not attempt to control or reform what flows out. Even if it’s ugly. When I can’t push the texture and chaos any further, I begin the process of transformation, pulling out lines and shapes to bring order and beauty.

Art is hope

In each painting, I look for the light and push back the darkness by insisting on hope. Painting is a process of self-discovery and spiritual illumination. This allows me to look for unexpected patterns and connections in life and to connect on a deep spiritual level.

Your new art is waiting.