What sets us apart in the animal kingdom? We share about 90% of our DNA with mice, dogs, cattle, and elephants. 99% of our body is made of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, calcium, and a small amount phosphorus. On our own we are neither the fastest nor the strongest animal on the planet. We do have clever opposable thumbs, but so does an opossum!
The beauty and wonder of the natural world display God’s glory, and God has made humans to bear His image through what we make and do. Our struggle is that we so often fall short of this noble task. Instead of choosing beauty, goodness, and truth, we hold onto those behaviors that bring destruction and deceit. We are capable of creating exquisite masterpieces, and the next day we curse our neighbor. May these paintings help us consider what it means to truly be human, humble, made from earth, and filled with God’s breath.