

To be redeemed…

means that you have been saved from the sin that you have committed and the consequences of that sin. The story of Nehemiah in the Bible is one of the most perfect examples of REDEMPTION. After 70 years in exile, the Jews went bak to their home in Jerusalem and rebuilt the temple. They were able to worship God in their own land, but the city was still in ruins. When Nehemiah heard that, “the wall of Jerusalem is broken down and its gates are burned with fire,” (Neh1:3) he gained permission from the Persian King, Artexerxes, to rescue the city. Although Nehemiah got push back from leaders in surrounding cities, he was able to finish within 52 days. Nehemiah also restored economic justice by reprimanding the wealthy for taking advantage of the poor. Later, Nehemiah and Ezra brought spiritual revival to Jerusalem by reading the laws of Moses to the people. The people were then able to repent and rededicate their lives to obeying and following the path of God.