2021 Half Way and things are looking up!

Public encounters are starting to open up and we are booked with exhibitions and events for the rest of the year. Thank God for all the opportunities to share our gifts and talents.

In July, University Park United Methodist Church will host Christos Collective for a traditional Summer Art Market with music, art, food and fun. Pastor Andy Dunning is new at UPUMC and we partnered with him to create an event to bring the local community onto the church campus to check it out. What a great way to celebrate the welcome!

The following month, August, we will be installing an exhibition at Denver Seminary based on the Psalms. Our partnership with the seminary has been fruitful for all after several years of exhibiting on their campus. Mid September we will have a panel talk on the Psalms through art.

Then in the fall we will be exhibiting at St. Andrew in Highlands Ranch and Grace Commons in Boulder, Colorado. Stay tuned for those upcoming events.

God has been so good to Christos Collective during the pandemic. He has shown us his love, grace and mercy through so many changes and aspirations. With deep faith we have waited on Him as we prepared for what He has in store for the rest of the year and into 2022.

Praise God from whom all blessings come!


Oh no, its 2022 already!


2021 Here we are!